TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - temp needle climbs slightly above middle occaisionally
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Subject temp needle climbs slightly above middle occaisionally
Posted by zergling on April 22, 2012 at 9:23 PM
  This message has been viewed 334 times.
Message Only seems to happen on the freeway. On HOT days (80+F) in more humid areas, if I'm driving above speed limit for an extended period or just have passed up a few cars by hitting high RPMs, I'll notice my temp needle is slightly above parallel from the ground. maybe 10-15 degrees. Never goes over that, and if I cruise along it will go back down.

It's weird because driving around town or stop and go traffic where you'd expect heat be more of an issue, needle stays pegged in the center.

Should I be worried? At what point is there a potential for damage?

I understand that the temp needle is supposed to stay in the middle for a wide range of temps, and once it overheats it will shoot up.. however I never experienced it where it rises slightly and I could just be paranoid.

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